Guilherme Matheus

Brazilian, engineer and developer well versed in BI, SQL, Python, VBA, Power BI. Passionate about technology, who uses agile pratices and decision-making processes data-driven. You can find me in my LinkedIn profile, and also in my Medium.

Game Recommendation

This project is about a game recommendation system that I developed to put into practice some Machine Learning techniques,
so the goal is for the user to add the games that have already been played by him and add it to his profile,
and later receive the recommendation of new games.

Download file from Sharepoint
from a Powershell script

With this project you can download a file from Sharepoint from a PowerShell script.

How to use ConfigParser module
(.ini file) in Python

With this project, you can load a separate file with .ini extension and load into your Python script.

How to run PowerShell
script remotely

This project provides a PowerShell script that I use to run another PowerShell script into another Windows server (remotely).

Delete files from folder
older than any days

In this project With a PowerShell script you can delete files from folder within a certain time period. You just have to define how many days you want to filter to delete files.

Save attachments from
e-mail to a folder with Outlook VBA

This project will be used to store the VBA scripts for Microsoft Outlook to run a macro that can save any attachments from email to a folder.

Get Power BI metadata
from Azure through PowerShell script

This project shows how you can retrieve the users and licenses from Azure from a Powershell script and save into a CSV file.

Get file metadata
from PowerShell script

In this project I will show you how to get a file’s metadata inside the Windows system using a PowerShell script.

Convert Excel file to CSV
from a PowerShell script

This project shows how to convert an Excel file using a PowerShell script.